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Express interest for enrollment Form

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Express Interest Form

By selecting consent , I, the parent/guardian of the above-named student, acknowledge and agree to the following:

  1. Participation & Supervision
    • I give permission for my child to enroll in and participate in the online course conducted by USOC Inc.
    • I understand that the course is designed for students aged 12-16, but younger students (10-11) with a strong interest in learning may also be enrolled.
  2. Online Learning & Privacy
    • I acknowledge that the course will be conducted online through live streaming sessions, and recordings will be made available for later viewing.
    • I understand that my child’s participation in an online class may involve interactions via video, chat, or voice.
    • I agree that my child will follow all online classroom rules and conduct themselves appropriately.
  3. Learning Outcomes
    • I acknowledge that while the course is designed for young learners, it is my responsibility to ensure my child remains engaged and completes the coursework as required.
  4. Liability & Indemnity
    • I understand that USOC Inc and its instructors are not responsible for any technical issues, internet disruptions, or device malfunctions that may occur during the sessions.
    • I release USOC inc. from any liability for injuries, damages, or issues that may arise due to my child’s participation in the course.

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